i'm in the paper todayyy..yeay!!
my parents went all the way to inform me that me and a few other friends
from colmar appreared in the paper today, the star to be exact
sepagi2 4 am daddy kasik msg
then when i finally woke up at 9am
went straight online, masuk thestar.com.my and the article went under education
and there were we ann aku max daniel and syaza
the pic was actually taken on the 1st year in colmar
mase tu gi haut-koenisburg the castle
hehe pretty cool laaaa
and comel at the same time
a lil embarassed juge
sedara mare all over msia juge mengetahui
it was actually one of my aunts yg noticed it at first
the article was mainly about how life as a malaysian student studying in france is all about
there's also another pix of the boys on the real paper
online tarak punnn..!!
so enjoy laaahh ye
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