woww.. it has really been a month since i wrote in this blog, and 2 weeks since my xmas hols in spain(which was totally disastrousss!!arghhh). berhabuk habes blog ni. ok laaa let me tell u how my holidays went:
my flight to barcelona was actually scheduled for 23rd dec at 10++pm.but then, due to bad weather condition (il y avait trop de brouillard à beauvais cette nuit-là).it was terribly foggy at beauvais airport that 5 out of 7 flights were cancelled that night. most of us were rebellious, ye laaa of course la was a day before christmas eve and everyone was REALLY hoping to get home to be with theirlove we threw tantrums..hehe.the airport staffs gave us each the military bed and a blanket. seriously rase cam in a kem pelarian that night.we would all then snuggle close to each other then actually fell asleep at about 2 am.the next morning,we were wait-listed for another flight to barcelona. alhamdulillah, we took the 9.15 am flight to barcelona.
barcelona was pretty cool..but prague is my favourite so far. our stay went well and we enjoyed ourself! we kept laughing and laughing about our disastrous stay kat beauvais tuh. and our premonition was that each time we'd wanna take a flight, there'd definitely will be other disastrous moments that'll come with it. and it's totally TRUE!!! the flight from barcelona to madrid was on the 27th of dec at 2 pm. so we leisuredly woke up at 9.30 am that day, leisuredly took a bus to barcelona airport at 10.40 the end, we ended up at the wrong airport.hahahahaha...lawakk like hell. both me and intan was going nuts dahh by then, ok laaa it was rather me who went crazy. our flight was in 2 hours time la weiii... and we were in the wrong airport. due to a desperate need, kitorg maen blasah and took a TAXI. the ride took an hour and it costs us 115€.there went my expenses for madrid...down the drain. oh la la!
haha last but not least, the madrid-paris disastrous event. our flight from madrid airport was scheduled at 5 am on the 31st of dec. so we went window shopping at the city centre. we went in and out of several shops.semua benda pun murah2!wargghh..dugaan sungguh. we decided to look for a cafe just to relax for 5 minutes before going off to the airport. so we went into la corte ingles or something like that..found a cafe and settled down. when we were leaving, my handbag was already gone. all the important stuffs were in that handbad.pasport, my beloved pink motorala V3i handphone(huaaaaa), my cybershot sony camera(huaaaa summore!!!)..
my purse with 20€ in it (thank god tak letak byk sgt duit) and 2 of my credit cards.fuhhh..desespérée gile abis!! i went to police station to do a report on my lost, and with that report jugaklah i flew back to france
so buat mase ni chuis vachement traumatisée to go travelling. for the time being, my only dream vacation is to be watching korean dramas all day long while staying kat umah. and that's actually what i've been doing this few days..i'm on hols for a week. it's really heaven!! why oh why can't this heaven of mine last forever..hehe!
Sushiro KLCC Malaysia Review
Il y a 14 heures
macam mana boleh tersilap airport? huhu...
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RépondreSupprimerthought I did remind you that cheap flight airlines (low cost airlines) normally use smaller airports and also asked you to check your ticket properly for the correct airport :)
RépondreSupprimerhehe who would hv known barcelona girona airport n barcelona airport are 2 different ones..
RépondreSupprimerMost cities have more than one airport